CSI (Computer Security Institute) and FBI Breach Study
All figures in US Dollars
Type of Breach | Losses Reported - US $ |
Unauthorized insider access | 50,565,000 |
Theft of proprietary information | 33,545,000 |
Telecommunications fraud | 17,256,000 |
Financial fraud | 11,239,000 |
Viruses | 7,874,000 |
Laptop theft | 5,250,000 |
Insider abuse of Internet access | 3,720,000 |
Denial of service (Web Vandalism/Server Attacks) | 2,787,000 |
Sabotage of data or networks | 2,242,000 |
System penetration by outsider | 1,637,000 |
Telecommunications eavesdropping | 562,000 |
Active Wiretapping | 245,000 |
TOTAL | $ 136,822,000 |
Figures derived from 520 U.S. Corporations for 1997.
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Revised: February 28, 2004.